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Henryk Richter


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17. 07. 2008

GLYUVPlay: updated version

By:Henryk Richter major improvements to the YCbCr player and converter utility for MacOSX A new version of GLYuvPlay for MacOS X is available. The major addition of this release is the support for multiple YCbCr formats in the chroma variants 4:2:0 and 4:2:2, along with either 8 or 16 bit color depth. Another new feature is the support for segmented sequences where each frame is stored as individual (enumerated) file. The player auto-detects enumerated image sequences and reports the number of frames directly in the open dialog. Furthermore, SGI files in 8 or 16 bit RGB color depth may be loaded. These additions allow to display most of the test sequences provided by the VQEG. The program was extended to export YCbCr sequences in various formats. Besides the color conversion and subsampling operations, optional high quality scaling (in terms of anti-aliasing) is available as well.