Lecture: Design and Application of Microcontrollers

This lecture teaches the development of small and autarkic devices. One keypoint is the programming of microcontrollers, e.g. C8051. In 2004, this lecture was reorganized with a moved focus to sensor networks. Thus, additional keypoints added, such as middleware techniques, positioning of nodes, and distributed systems.
Click here for further information of this lecture

Lecture: Real-time Operating Systems

This lecture covers design and concept of general purpose operating systems as well as time-critical real-time operating systems. Keypoints are processes and threads, scheduling analysis, critical sections and their synchronisation incl. synchronisation protocols, programming of operating systems (UNIX, POSIX), etc. To deepen the teached knowledge, a seminar takes places every two weeks.
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Seminar: IT-Security

This seminar outlines the whole area of IT-Security at a glance. It clarifies the realities in networked systems and explaines typical attacks in networks. Further, it covers serious economical impacts to companies due to disregarded infrastructure of information technology. Last, the seminar shows you how to protect your own data and how to increase your personell security fealing.
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Laboratory Test: RT-Linux as Real-time Operating System

This experiment teaches basic knowledge to install the real-time operating kernel RT-Linux into Linux. Further, it covers the design, compilation, start and evaluation of hard real-time applications.
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Copyright 2015 by Jan Blumenthal, University of Rostock